Health control

Article submission, 12th March 2007

High blood pressure

As the blood flows around the body it exerts pressure on the arterial walls and when the pressure is more than normal hypertension occurs [HBP]. Due to this, there is considerable strain on the circulatory system which may result in stroke or heart failure which is often symptomless until to late.


Deficiencies of essential fatty acids, Ca (Calcium), Mg (Magnesium) and K (Potassium).
Excess weight.
Irregular eating and sleeping patterns.
Lack of exercise.
High salt and processed food intake.
A type personality.


Plenty of exercise and Yoga.
Loosing excess of weight increasing Mg intake 200-300mg usually helps.
K should not be supplemented but eating fruits and veggie’s can give adequate.
Ca can be supplemented
Fish oil supplement have proven to lower HBP.
Control of salt intake and processed food intake.Garlic fresh or capsule both have positive effect.
Co enzyme Q10 has shown improvement.
Stop Smoking and alcohol.
Apples lowers sodium level being high in potassium and fibre.
Onions and leeks reduces the sodium level aids kidney function act as diuretic.
Guava, capsicum,lemon all rich in vit C and vit K prevents capillary fragility.
Practice deep breathing.
Drink lots of water.

Ideally the pressure should be Systolic-110mmHg and Diastolic-70mmHg. But 120 and 80 is also quiet normal anything above is to be monitored as increase shows risk towards heart attack.


The impression that cholesterol is an undesirable substance is wrong. Cholesterol is essential for the formation of cell membrane, bile acids, sex hormones, adrenal steroids and vitamins. Cholesterol levels less than 100mg/200ml is desirable. An adult body contains about 150g cholesterol [2g per kg].


It can be obtained by processed food and by synthesis of carbohydrates.
Cholesterol absorption increases upon eating saturated fats.
Hence eating too much calories from carbohydrates and saturates and increasing the level of LDL.
While decreasing the HDL levels and increasing the triglycerides which can lead to MCI and blocked arteries.
Too much alcohol intake, smoking and stress which imbalances the hormonal functions and deposition of fats.


Stop smoking.
Regular Cardio exercise.
Monitored diet plan to reduce excess weight and low intake of saturates and carbohydrates while increasing monosaturates and complex carbohydrates.
Garlic is found most effective eases spasm of arteries, regulates pulse and heart rhythm dilatory effect reduces blood pressure.
Rice and milk have good effect as isoleucine and lysine both amino acids combine to form a stronger protein and lactic acid in milk helps in their absorption.
Ca in brown rice soothes and relaxes the nervous system.
Eating almonds and walnuts daily.
All coloured fruits strawberries, kiwi berries etc veggie’s pumpkin, carrot, beet, tomatoes etc.
Having fresh water fish or deep sea fish.
Changing from refined flour to whole meal flour and whole grains rich in fibre.
Having cold pressed oils and rotating the choices between olive, sunflower,seasame,avocado.
Simukhasana, Bramhamudrasana, gomukhasana, ardhmatsyasana,mandukasana, savasana, but should avoid asanas done on chestPranayam and meditation are very helpful.

Preventive steps

Annually get a lipid profile done to check on HDL,LDL And Triglycerides.
Get blood pressure monitored evert six months and if you have a predisposition or prehypertention every four months.
Body mass index and also the waist circumference every 1-2 years.
Electrocardiogram (ECG) and CT angiogram to determine whether you suffer from a heart disease.

Women and men are equally at risk. It can happen to people who usually feel fine too, a man’s risk begins from 45 years and women’s 55. 50% of men and 64% women who suddenly die of heart disease have no previous symptoms of disease. But these day’s age has nothing to do with diseases, stress and lifestyle affects at an early age so please take care For your loved ones.


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