Daily diet

Article submission, Thursday 26th June 2008

girl eating watermelon
What is the best daily diet was asked recently to me and I said its non generic, takes care of your pocket, taste and health.

Catherine Zeta Jones, massages caviar in her hair, while few of us get opportunity to even see caviers, I’ve heard people bathing with Evian water, while in some countries there hardly any water to drink. So what you eat largely depends on what you can afford.

   Always eat food which are available during the season or grown regionally, they are reasonably priced and are often good for health, nature has its unique way of availability, strawberries can cure cough and phlegm and hence found more in colder parts of world while mangoes protects from heat stroke and found in warmer climate. After affordability and availability comes genetics, your genes play very important role in the diet that will suit you, the influence of diet on health depends a lot on an individual's genetic makeup.

Biologically, when we eat a meal. Until recently, scientists thought food had basically one job: it was metabolised to provide energy for the cell. Indeed, that is what happens to most dietary chemicals - but not all. Some don't get metabolised at all; instead, the moment they're ingested, they become ligands - molecules that bind to proteins involved in "turning on" certain genes. A diet that's particularly out of balance, scientists say, will cause gene expressions that nudge us toward chronic illness unless a precisely-tailored "intelligent diet" is employed to restore the equilibrium.

     Genestein, a chemical in soy which attaches to oestrogen receptors and regulates genes. Individuals may have oestrogen receptors that react to genestein differently, helping to explain why two people eating the same diet can respond very differently - one maintaining weight, for example, and the other ballooning.

You can always try various cuisines but genetically you will be more comfortable with what ever your staple food has been for generations.

     Migration of people to different parts of the world and exposure to various cultures has resulted in food exchange too, this exchange is good to experiment sometimes but your genes have fixed set of preprogrammed instructions. Don’t try to change this programme drastically.

women eating cereal

Key points would be:

  • A big hurdle in day to day healthy eating is convenience foods, many of the foods we buy today are over processed.
  • Lots of sodium to exploit our taste buds, nothing else seems good if it doesn’t have the same or more dose of sodium (Basically the quantity of salt and additives is primarily to make you crave more, remember chips, you can’t stop at one).
  • Whatever the challenges one can't neglect health.
  • For daily health include — grains, fruits, vegetables, milk, meat and beans, and healthy fats.
  • Make small changes one at a time.
  • Don't skip meals; plan for three meals each day.
  • Start reading food labels so you'll become more aware of what you're putting into your body.
  • Eat a variety of foods in the right amounts, while limiting foods and beverages that are high in fat or high in sugar.
  • Plan for healthier snack choices.
  • Between lunch and dinner each day, aim for five servings of fruits and vegetables.
  • Stop adding salt to foods.
  • Eat nothing after 8 p.m.
  • Eat less meat to reduce your fat and cholesterol intake.
  • Make sure that your breads, cereals, pastas, and crackers are made with whole grains.

Above information is given in good faith however for any diseased condition please consult physician or dietician before starting it. Your questions and suggestions are welcome at: smartediets@gmail.com

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